You can kiss me on a Monday Meme

Monday meme1. The most recent text you received was… Dinner plans with a friend.

2. What is an overused word or saying that you hate? “Amazeballs” What the hell does it even mean? Also, very few people over 30 can say this without sounding like an idiot.

3. What was the last book that you read? Where is the Green Sheep by Mem Fox.

4. The best purchase you’ve made recently? The silver birdcage veil for my wedding. I try it on almost every day. I love it.

5. What was the last image you posted on social media and why? A selfie…because I went to the hairdresser today and new hair always means new selfie!

6. What was the last movie you saw? The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Touching. Quirky. Funny. Sam Neill.

7. What is the last risk you took and how did it turn out? Chicken and broccoli casserole. Looked great – tasted dreadful!

8. What kind of mood were you in today? Busy, exhausted, sleepy…they’re not moods… Ummm…good? I got stuff done so I guess I was happy.

9. What has been your biggest challenge lately? Blogging every day! Actually, trying to find something meaningful to blog about every day. I’m pretty sure I had a few “filler” posts in there.

10. What is one new thing you have learned? I am by no means perfect but I am happy with who I am.

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3 Responses to You can kiss me on a Monday Meme

  1. Pingback: Day 27 Blog June – Monday Meme on a Tuesday (again) –

  2. Pingback: Day 27 Blog June – Monday Meme –

  3. Pingback: The not even Monday Meme – current0bsession

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