Will you still meme me tomorrow?

I have an actual, honest-to-goodness blog post in the offing. But not today.

Tomorrow is Monday and that means Monday Meme. It’s the last one of the month.

I have struggled with what to put together for this one. Then I remembered that I’m keeping a diary of daily musings. It asks me one question every day. I write it just before bed. Some of the questions repeat, which is a little annoying. It also seems to be directed at someone a bit younger than I. Anyway, I thought I’d select 10 of those questions as the final Monday Meme for 2016.

Here they are:

  1. The most recent text you received was…
  2. What is an overused word or saying that you hate?
  3. What was the last book that you read?
  4. The best purchase you’ve made recently?
  5. What was the last image you posted on social media and why?
  6. What was the last movie you saw?
  7. What is the last risk you took and how did it turn out?
  8. What kind of mood were you in today?
  9. What has been your biggest challenge lately?
  10. What is one new thing you have learned?


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1 Response to Will you still meme me tomorrow?

  1. “Will you still love me tomorrow” : )
    I like the idea of your daily musings diary. For the past 11 years since we lost my brother-in-law in a road accident, I have made a ‘care package’ for my sister with one gift or poem or thought a day for her to open every July when both his birthday and the day of his accident fall. She has told me it’s okay to stop now (as it does take me most of June to make : )), but I’d still like to do something. Thank you for your daily musings diary idea as I think I may be able to do something really nice along those lines for July (she calls it her “July Homework” : )). Which just goes to show that we never know when we write these things what chord they may touch for others — in whatever spheres of their lives.
    PS. I also have to write a “Monthly Highlights” report for work and I have just had the idea for the next one to think of relevant questions in connection with what I do in my job and reflect on what of those a day Monday to Friday to put together for my report in July. So thanks on both counts !! : )
    PPS. And thanks for the memory — that is one of my favourite songs from that era.

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